
  1. Japan’s 1000-Year-Old Festival: “Tenjin Matsuri” in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

  2. Japan’s Oldest Summer Festival! “Aizen Festival” in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

  3. The Dignified Rice-Planting Ritual “Otaue Shinji” at Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

  4. Fireworks and Makiwara that Herald Summer in Tokai: “Atsuta Festival” in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture

  5. Japan’s Earliest Gion Festival: The 2018 Hachiya Gion in Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture

  6. Travel Back in Time to the Heian Period!? 2018 Aoi Matsuri, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture

  7. Characteristic “Yatai” Decorated in Spring Style – 2018 Yayoi Festival, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture

  8. Carrying the Gods While Wading Chest-Deep in the River! 2018 Ohaseri Festival, Yabu City, Hyogo Prefecture

  9. Announcing Spring in Nara: 2019 Tōdai-ji Shuni-e (Omizutori) Festival, Nara City, Nara Prefecture

  10. The Danger is the Thrill! 2018 Niihama Taiko Festival, Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture